Cyber-Security and World Politics

Masters Degree
    Course overview

    The course explores the geostrategic struggle between great power nations to dominate cyberspace. It examines the strategies of US, China, Russia and the EU in their efforts to control and shape this new domain to their advantage.  It explores the redistribution of power between countries, as well as the link between the international and domestic environments where power is being redistributed between governments, corporations and citizens. It provides essential context for understanding the international and domestic policy contexts.




    This course can be undertaken as part of one UNSW Canberra's masters programs or as a stand alone ("non-award") course.

    Information about non-award enrolment in UNSW Canberra courses is at

    The enrolment form with instructions is at: .



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    Northcott Dr
    Australian Defence Force Academy
    Campbell 2612